1. “Agriculture and Ecology”, Quarterly magazine

Published periodically since 1998 from OAA

It remains the most important publication of OAA, and one of the best agricultural magazine in the country. The first number was titled “AgroBioAlba”, published in December 1998. The fourth number of year 2001 was titled “Agriculture and Ecology”. Its content is very attractive, because the information is quite specific and not found elsewhere in Albania. The magazine is distributed also to high level decision-makers and policy-makers. The magazine has also attracted the most prominent scientists of Albania for collaboration.


"Organic olive cultivation", Book - Publishing year 2005

  • “Organic Agriculture Versus Genetic

Engineering”, Booklet
Publishing year 2003
It has been extremely important in the anti- GMO campaign the publication of this IFOAM booklet. It was translated and published in 2000 copies and distributed to a broad range of readers, starting from students to the Parliament members. The most important thing was its publication in the appropriate moment, when the law for GMO started to be discussed. So it helped the policymakers to clarify many points, but also media, scientists, environmental NGO-s which got there the basic concepts to further develop other methods.



  • “Ampelography and Knowledge Over The Main Grape Cultures”, Book

Written by Todo Gjermani and published by OAA
Publishing year 2003

This book is presented in the ceremony of 90 birthday anniversary of the author, Todo Gjermani, where the most well known people of agriculture participated and the minister of Agriculture gave a special decoration to the author of the book. This book has served to students as a manual, but also to scientists of viticulture, since there are data from 6 decades before. This contributes to organic movement too, because at least the pest resistant local varieties are identified.


  • “Standards of Organic Agriculture”, Book

Publishing year 2003

“PRISHTA, an Ecosystem Model of Rural
Agriculture”, Book
Publishing year 2002

    • "Starting a cooperative" brochure (in 2 parts) in 2009 





- Prishta a model of mountainous agriculture ecosystem-2001.


- The use of controlled agricultural chemical input – 2004


-Towards Organic Agriculture – 2013